Welcome to The Light WPB’s blog. We are a new church on the southside of WPB with a mission to make disciples of Jesus that light up the world.

Perhaps you’re wondering, “Why does the southside of WPB need another church? It seems like there are enough churches to go around.” That’s a great question. As a matter of fact, it’s a question we’ve had to answer for ourselves. Therefore, we’d like to propose 4 reason why a new church is necessary (You can also listen to me explain this in more detail in the podcast below).

First and foremost, God is a missionary. 

God the Father sent the Lord Jesus to conquer sin, Satan, and death (Genesis 3:15John 20:21) and to save a multiethnic people for the glory of His name (Isaiah 19:21-25Ephesians 1:5Revelation 7:9). Historically, this truth has been taken seriously by first generation Latino churches who were mobilized by God to make disciples in the WPB area in the 80/90s. For example, it was common for many 1st gen Latino churches to plant churches, to do street revivals, and practice mercy ministry in some of the most vulnerable parts of the city/county back then. In this, I grew up seeing my parents help establish churches aimed at reaching Latino/as with their gifts and resources.  Furthermore, it was because of God’s activity in southwest WPB that I came to faith in Jesus at a small spanish-speaking church on Congress Avenue and Forest Hill Blvd. In light of God’s historic work, Angelica and I believe God is sending us to continue His mission to transform new generations of Latino/as in southwest WPB with the Gospel.

God designed the church to connect people to God. 

Jesus promised that He would expand his Church (Matthew 16:18) so the Apostles planted them and unbelievers trusted in Jesus as Lord (Acts 1:813:3Acts 16:1018:23). Southwest WPB (zip codes 33405/33415) is a diverse Latino community with a population of approximately 73,000 combined. In addition to this, West Palm Beach ranked as the “#1 Never-Churched City in the United States” in 2015 (Barna Group). This means that it would take hundreds of churches to reach the thousands of diverse people groups in this area alone. Therefore, we are following the biblical pattern to plant more churches (alongside existing churches) in order to witness Jesus fulfill his promise to save the lost in WPB.

The Gospel brings holistic reconciliation to Latino/as. 

On one trip back to West Palm Beach about a year ago, I found myself talking about spirituality and church at a barbershop my friend owns. My friend and I began to engage a 2nd generation Colombian man as he was getting his fade (a type of haircut). It seemed as though he had a bad church experience growing up and had since walked away from the faith. From what I could gather, his lived experience had discontinuity with that of his family and faith upbringing. This instance reminded me that the Gospel must engage stories like his.

Why? Jesus Christ is in the business of reconciling the entire cosmos back to God’s original design (Colossians 1:20), including the broken parts of our stories. For many 2nd and 3rd generation Latino/as in the United States, there is a sense that we are not fully “at home” in majority culture or in the 1st gen culture of our parents and abuelitas (Rodriguez, 49-53). Through our personal experiences and conversations with Latino/as in WPB, we’ve noticed that this “homelessness” has invited shame, family divisions, identity crises, and/or a complete distancing from anything to do with the church. These are facets of life that the Gospel can reconcile, but we need to plant more churches that know how to apply the Gospel to them. Part of our calling to plant a church assumes this responsibility among Latino/as in southwest WPB.

The Latino/a community needs more Latino/a church leaders that contribute to the multiethnic global church. 

Biblically-speaking, there was great opportunity for a missionary that shared cultural and spiritual commonality with their target group (i.e. Acts 16:3). The Apostle Paul often went to the synagogue first, the center of Jewish life, when he planted churches throughout the ancient Roman world (i.e. Acts 18:4). Also, he was skilled in Greek thought and had the privilege of having Roman citizenship (i.e. Acts 17:28Acts 22:28). Thus, the Scriptures demonstrate that Paul’s identity provided him a unique platform to share the Gospel to both Jews and Greeks. In turn, the Gospel challenged and affirmed Greekness (i.e. Acts 17:30-34) and Jewishness (i.e. Romans 9:3Philippians 3:2-6). This Gospel work led to churches composed of Jews and Gentiles- a multiethnic church.

In the same way, Angelica and I see our cultural hybridity, our lived experience in the U.S./Florida, our bilingual ability, and our spiritual heritage as an unique platform to reach Latino/as- a population that is projected to be the majority by 2050 in the U.S (Passel & D’Vera). For many of our family members and friends in Palm Beach County, our commonality is an even greater advantage when used in the context of church leadership than say… education. For this reason, our God-given identity gives us the space to lead and catalyze Latino/as to make disciples of the nations.

Concluding Thoughts

In summary, after almost 2 years of praying about this, we  uprooted from a city we love (Chicago) to West Palm Beach, FL in August 2021. Our “why” moves us to continue to pray to the God of Heaven to guide us and to provide for us. The mission of God surely invites oceans of opposition that we cannot combat by our own strength, but Jesus Christ our Lord conquered the world after all. This gives us joy, strength, and resolve to pray for wisdom. Would you pray for us as we live into our assignment?


Become a Financial Partner to the Barahona West Palm Beach Church Plant HERE

Works Cited

Barna Group. “Churchless Cities: Where Does Your City Rank?,” Barnahttps://www.barna.com/research/churchless-cities-where-does-your-city-rank/.

Passel, Jeffrey S., and D’Vera Cohn. “U.S. Population Projections: 2005-2050.” Pew Research Center’s Hispanic Trends Project, Pew Research Center, 30 May 2020, www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2008/02/11/us-population-projections-2005-2050/.

Rodriguez, Daniel A. Future for the Latino Church: Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations. InterVarsity Press, 2014.